We have a sign in our home that says: “Home is where your story begins”.

My story began with this barn…

There are a lot of stories this barn could tell. Stories including how I grew up next to this barn. How I spent many hours, days, weeks, and months, playing in this barn as a child. Tales of how my friends and I planned countless parties within this barn. How I screamed at discovering mice in this barn. How I fed my horse in this barn. And, more recently, the story of how this barn hosted a double 16th birthday party for my daughter and her friend. 

This barn, though broken, tells beautiful stories. Treasured stories of my life and the lives of my loved ones. When I look at the barn, I see beauty, not brokenness. This barn is like each of us. See, we each carry brokenness in our lives, yet God can still tell a beautiful story through us. As with the barn, He can take the brokenness and find beauty.

This is the work we do at Vine Counseling. We walk beside you as you sort through the hurt and broken pieces of your life. Just like with the barn, we look for signs of beauty, signs of truth, and signs of hope. And, together with God, we find the beauty amidst the brokenness.



Jennifer Dean founded Vine Counseling in 2017 out of a passion to see people in our area grow spiritually, physically, and emotionally.  Jennifer loves to see people set free from the lies that entangle them, and she is overjoyed as they release those lies and begin to live freely.

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